Cognitive Acceleration Community

Welcome to our Cognitive Acceleration Community

To register for an account using Credit card

This will give you and your school access to all the materials, lessons and Professional Development resources. Your contributions will also help our Charity in updating, adapting, translating and reaching out to schools around the world.

Subscription typeAnnual Cost (£)
Secondary (Large school)250
Primary (Large 300 students upwards )100
Primary (Small fewer than 300 students ) 50
Individual Teacher 25

Our core publications
Open access
Teachers Guide: CASE
Teachers Guide: CAME Secondary
Teachers Guide: Let’s Think Maths Primary
Sample CASE lessons

CASE Research Articles
Let's Think SeminarsLets Think Handbook
Subscription needed
CASE lessonsLet’s Think Maths (Secondary)Let’s Think Maths (Primary)
Gwersi PCAME a Dewch i Feddwl Mathemateg (9 i 11 oed)

Lets Think Through Science 7-8 and 8-9Let’s Think Maths Lesson simulations
CASE Bridging Lessons

If you want to get involved with a network of Teachers and Educators interested in cognitive acceleration get in touch with   [email protected]