About the Authors

Philip Adey and Anne Robertson also authored the hugely successful programmes Let’s Think!
(Adey, Robertson and Venville, 2001) and Let’s Think through Science! (Adey et al., 2003). Anne
Robertson (with Michael Shayer and Mundher Adhami) wrote Let’s Think through Maths!
Anne Robertson trained and worked as a primary school teacher in Edinburgh in the early
1970s before moving to Tottenham in 1981. She taught in Haringey and Newham until taking an
advisory post in Barking and Dagenham. She started working in Hammersmith and Fulham in
1998, focusing on developing thinking with pupils. She now lectures at the Institute of
Education and is the Course Leader for the full-time primary PGCE course.
Philip Adey is a Professor at King’s College London and Director of the Centre for the
Advancement of Thinking. Working as a teacher he became interested in the source of pupils’
difficulties with learning, and this led him into studying cognitive development and acceleration.


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