Introduction Let`s Think through Science 7 & 8
About the Authors
Theoretical Foundations
The development of children's thinking
Stimulating the development of thinking abilities
From Theory into Practice
Cognitive acceleration in the classroom
Concrete operations in practice
Using Lets Think through Science
What does the programme consist of?
When is the programme used?
How should the classroom be arranged?
Are special methods required for teaching Let's Think through science!?
How Lets Think through Science was Developed.
The CASE and CAME and other projects
Let's Think through Science!
Evidence of the benefits of Let's Think through Science!
Detailed Guidance for Use
Detailed Guidelines for Use
Introductory activity A
Introductory activity B
Grouping Foods
Animals and Teeth
Are they seeds?
Clothes to wear
Classifying materials
Classification of rocks
Composition of soils
Sorting magnetic and non-magnetic materials
Strength of magnets
Exploring poles
Shadow stick
Making a shadow puppet
Conservation of volume
Let's Think through Science 7 & 8 Resource Section
1 Money Matters
2 Painted Doors (Activity B)
3 Animals and Teeth 1 (1.2)
4 Animals and Teeth 2 (1.2)
5 Animals and Teeth 3 (1.2)
6 Animals and Teeth 4 (1.2)
7 Sorting Magnetic/Non-magnetic Materials (5.1)
8 Potatoes (5.4)
9 Shadow Stick (6.1)
10. Conservation of Volume
Let's Think through Science 8 & 9 Introduction
At-a-Glance Guide to using Let's Think through science! 8 & 9
One Introduction
Why Let's Think through science! is useful in the classroom
Finding your way around the Teacher's Guide
TWO Theoretical Foundations
Features of intelligence
THREE From Theory into Practice
FOUR Using Let's Think through Science! 8 & 9
How should the pupils be grouped?
The phases of a Let's Think through science! 8 & 9 activity
Are special methods required for teaching Let's Think through Science! 8 & 9?
When should I start using the programme?
FIVE How the Let's Think through Science! Programmes were Developed
The CASE and CAME projects
CATE and the ARTS Project
CASE@KS1 (Let's Think!)
Evidence of the benefits of Let's Think through science!
SIX Detailed Guidelines for Use
Introductory Activity A
Introductory Activity B
Moving and growing Activity 1.1
Moving and growing Activity 1.2
Moving and growing Activity 1.3
Habitats Activity 2.1
Habitats Activity 2.2
Habitats Activity 2.3
Keeping warm Activity 3.1
Keeping warm Activity 3.2
Keeping warm Activity 3.3
Solids and liquids Activity 4.1
Solids and liquids Activity 4.2
Solids and liquids Activity 4.3
Friction Activity 5.1
Friction Activity 5.2
Friction Activity 5.3
Circuits and conductors Activity 6.1
Circuits and conductors Activity 6.2
Circuits and conductors Activity 6.3
Let's Think through Science! 8 & 9 Resource Section
All these Bones
Let's Think through Science 7-8 and 8-9 Copyright © by Lets Think Community. All Rights Reserved.