When should I start using the programme?
At any time. It does not matter if you
You can begin using Let’s Think through Science! 8 & 9.
Do not start at the beginning of the school year. Simply choose from the list on page 15 a topic
that corresponds to the subject area you are currently working on in science lessons.
How do I start?
• Divide your class into groups of four pupils, bearing in mind the suggestions above and on
pages 8-9.
• Depending on your class and how much experience the pupils already have of group work,
you may need to allow some time for discussion as to how a group can best operate
successfully. Having established the ground rules, you are ready to begin. Give pupils a
group challenge (such as Introductory Activity A). Observe whether the pupils work well
together in their groups and check that the groups are well balanced in terms of different
personality types, gender balance, etc.
• Make any necessary changes to the groupings.
• Use another introductory activity (such as Introductory Activity B) to give the pupils a
chance to practise following the guidelines for effective group work.
• Finalise your groupings, and avoid changing them for the rest of the school year.
• Choose from the list on page 15 a topic that corresponds to the subject area you are
currently working on in science lessons.
• Read Concrete preparation for group working on page 20 before you start your chosen
• Work through your chosen topic, allowing one hour for each activity. Keep to the
suggested order of activities. Questions, instructions and prompts that you may find
useful in the classroom are displayed in bold text.
• Continue in this way throughout the school year, choosing topics as you wish.
What if I need more guidance?
This Teacher’s Guide provides full detailed instructions on how to use the programme.