Author: Lets Think Community
Introduction and Overview
About the authors
Teaching Thinking
General thinking ability
Intelligence: a dirty word?
Thinking skills and thinking programmes
The Lets Think Handbook
One: Improving general thinking
The mind and the brain
Models of the mind
Information processing
The developing mind
Strands and schemata
Cognitive acceleration
Two: Cognitive conflict
Why should I create challenge?
How do I create challenge?
An example
An example part 2
An example part 3
An example part 4
Generalised strategies
Three: Social construction
'Classroom talk' as a tool for learning
A classroom environment for social construction
Looking for evidence of social construction in classroom talk
Analysis -the view from Vogotsky
Application to the dialogue
Social construction within a 'thinking group'
Characteristics of social interaction
Realising the full potential of social construction
Four: Metacognition
Does 'thinking about thinking' mean anything?
So what is metacognition ?
Where is the metacognition ?
What we take from these examples
Why is metacognition important ?
Metacognition and ability
Development of metacognition
Facilitating metacognition
Five: Putting it all together in a lesson
The published materials
How much time does it take?
Five pillars
An example in Mathematics
Ratio reasoning in year 2: Jelly Babies
And your homework is .....
Six: Thinking and the curriculum
Thinking and the curriculum
Seven: How we did it
How we did it
Eight: Professional development
Professional development
Nine: Cognitive acceleration and other big ideas
Cognitive Acceleration and other big ideas
Ten: Does cognitive acceleration work?
Does Cognitive Acceleration work?
Appendix 1 Curriculum Analysis Taxonomies
Appendix 2
Assessing Levels of Cognitive Development
Conservation Test
Spatial Perception Test
Volume and Heaviness Test
Appendix 3
Key information
Lets Think Handbook Copyright © by Lets Think Community. All Rights Reserved.