Hello and Welcome
Thank you for subscribing to the https://community.letsthink.
The Let’s Think Forum is a registered charity led by a group of academics, teachers, and tutors. We work with teachers through professional development programmes and the provision of exemplar lessons in English, Mathematics, and Science. Our main website is at https://letsthink.org.uk/. You are therefore supporting our vision of transforming education through high-quality teaching and learning.
I am Alex Black, as well as being a Lets Think Tutor (mainly working Internationally), I administer the community website. We will soon be adding more Professional development materials.
Also, we are confident in being able to add some more Primary LT Maths and Science lessons when we have finished some copyright discussions.
If you have any problems accessing materials or other questions always feel free to mail me and again welcome to our community.
Best wishes
Alex Black [email protected]