Lesson 6 Decontamination


Overview Resources
Pupils explore movement on a plane in terms of values for distance and 1cm squared grids
direction for each move. They recognise the need for scale in describing
distance on the page. They compare left/right turns to using compass points
for giving directions of turn, then apply their insights to angles and bearing Rulers
conventions. They decide which method is more convenient in different
real-life situations.
Worksheets 1-3
1cm squared grids on acetate
Angle measurers (optional)
Scrap paper
Aims Curriculum links
  • Explore movement: directions and distance in maps and real life,
  • Compare relative and absolute directions.
  • Angle measurements,
  • Scale measurements in coordination with directions,
  • Bearing and LOGO conventions.
    Left and right moves
    The pupils give directions to a robot on a sketch map using only the instructions for left/right for right angle (90°) turns, and
    a distance. They realise that a map needs a scale and orientation. Given these, they create instructions for a movement and
    for its inverse.
    The compass moves
    Pupils handle a different set of rules to give instructions in terms of N-E~S-W turns to another robot. They compare this robot with the first one, including the circumstances in real life in which each type of instruction might be used. A possible extension leads to recognising how moves in two dimensions can be added and subtracted.
    Smooth-turn moves
    Pupils collaboratively compare two robots that can turn through continuous angles rather than at right angles. One is a bearing robot (always measured clockwise from the North line), while the other is a LOGO robot (following the conventions used in LOGO programming where angles are measured from the direction the robot is currently facing).


    Thinking Mathematics Lessons Copyright © by Michael Shayer and Mundher Adhami. All Rights Reserved.

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