Lesson 10 Rectangle functions

Episode 3

Reasoning Resources: Worksheet 3
Whole class preparation
Challenging questions requiring early formal operational thinking; which might therefore be offered to higher ability groups only. But it is worthwhile for all to tackle the problems, especially in mixed-ability groupings. Introduce Worksheet 3 as: Some thoughts that other pupils have voiced after a similar TM10 lesson in other classes. Depending on the class, decide to work on one or some or all the questions, allocating them to pairs.
Pair and small group work
The struggle to verbalise intuitive ideas and approaches to problem solving is powerful in developing higher level thinking.

The teacher needs to be supportive, while encouraging other pupils to help with clarification and explanation.
Pupils working together in small groups tackle the problems on Worksheet 3. Encourage them to be ready to report their ideas for discussion by the whole class. Some pupils may need to look at specific numerical examples to enable the development of a higher level mental approach.
From these pupil views and words will arise the opportunity to use formal mathematical statements and expressions in a way that becomes meaningful to pupils. Whole class sharing and discussion
Choose groups to report their solutions to the problems. Record all ideas for all to see and to form the basis for further clarification and identification with formal mathematical words and representation.
End of Lesson Reflection
The following questions provide the opportunity to encourage metacognitive thinking about the ideas explored and developed in the lesson.

One aim of this lesson was to develop your ideas about area and perimeter. Another was to help you think about old ideas in different ways.

  • What do you think about area and perimeter?
  • How would you describe the maths that took place today?
  • What occurred to you today?

    It may also be appropriate to draw out thoughts on the value of co-operative problem solving and mathematical discussion for developing thinking power and capacity.
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    Thinking Mathematics Lessons Copyright © by Michael Shayer and Mundher Adhami. All Rights Reserved.

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