Lesson 29 Straight line graphs
Worksheet 2 Describing and talking slanted lines
- Draw the line on which (-1,-1) and (5,5) lie and write a description for it.
- Draw the line on which (1,3) and (5,7) lie.
- How does this line compare to the first one?
- Do the same for the points (2,5) and (0,3).
- What do you notice about the three lines you have drawn?
- A fourth line passes through (0,3) and (2,7).
- How does this line compare with the above three?
- A new line passes through (2,4) and (6,6).
- How can you best describe this line?
If you have time, draw your own line through (0,3). Show it to another group to see how they work out the equation.