Lesson 26 Chunking in algebra

Worksheet 2 More brackets

A workshop makes silk scarves for a shop.

The shop decides the final length (not including the tassels) and final width required for each scarf. Call theseand w.

The workshop calculates the starting size of the rectangle of silk by adding 18 cm to the

length for the tassels and 4cm to the width for the edging.

It charges the shop by the area of the starting size of the rectangle of silk used in the scarf.

1. Write an expression for the starting width for any size scarf.

2. Write an expression for the starting length.

3. Write a mathematical expression forthe starting area of any size scarf.

Multiply out your answer to question 2 to give four chunks in a new expression.

Write down the meaning of each chunk. (Use arrows,or rings,or colours.)


Thinking Mathematics Lessons Copyright © by Michael Shayer and Mundher Adhami. All Rights Reserved.

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